Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Whitening teeth the natural way

ONE of the most popular trends today is to have great teeth. It seems like everyone wants to have those wonderful pearly whites to flash that 100-watt smile. The quest to getting those white teeth has driven many to do some seemingly crazy and interesting activities. But whitening your teeth may also be a very dangerous act with all the bleaching and use of store-bought products.

Teeth whitening is not a medical procedure and it does not result in healthier teeth; but it can result in whiter teeth and a brighter smile and this can help people feel better about themselves. Store-bought teeth-whitening strips contain chemicals that may eat away at your teeth. So, in the end, your teeth are white and brittle.

Recently, all-natural products with herbal ingredients that help remove plaque and stains from the teeth have been gaining popularity. Here is a list of some all-natural ways to whiten teeth that you can try at home. Some of these may sound a little strange but they have been proven to work.

1 You can use the inside of an orange peel right on your teeth, or take organic dried orange peel and ground bay leaves and make a paste and brush it on. Rinse your mouth out thoroughly afterward.

2 Lemon is a natural bleaching agent and many people use this natural whitening method. Lemon juice is a natural acidic, and it can be used periodically to help remove stains and whiten teeth enamel. But don't overdo it. Continue to brush with fluoride toothpaste as usual, and approximately once a week, brush with a paste made from real lemon juice and baking soda. Brush gently, rinse well, and your teeth will eventually look whiter than ever. Some people swear by a lemon juice and salt mixture too. Whichever method you choose, ensure you rinse your mouth well after using these natural teeth whitening treatments.

3 Water is in itself an amazing cleaner and it helps in cleaning your mouth and your teeth, so rinse your mouth out after meals or snacks, and drink lots of water after every meal to prevent stains from accumulating and to make sure no food residue is sticking to your teeth. Also, gargling the teeth with a cup of water containing a half teaspoonful of rock salts prevents all tooth problems.

4 Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar every day. Gargle with apple cider vinegar daily especially in the morning. A teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a glass of water becomes a natural and effective mouthwash for the teeth and gums.

5 For getting perfectly white teeth, mix a small amount of salt and lime juice and then clean your teeth with this mixture in the morning as well as after dinner. Don't forget to wash your mouth out after.

6 Use sage to clean your teeth. Native Americans have long used sage to freshen breath and whiten teeth.

7 Washing your mouth with peroxide. Many store-bought teeth whitening products contain peroxide, and diluted peroxide can be used to whiten and brighten tooth enamel. Mix peroxide with equal amounts of water, and swish it around in your mouth for several seconds each day.

8 Baking soda is an all-around fantastic natural home remedy. It has long been used for dental whitening. Many types of toothpaste have baking soda in their ingredients because of its effectiveness. You can make your own baking soda whitener though. Just mix baking soda with a little salt and use on your teeth.

Bonus: Use a baking soda and peroxide paste. Peroxide and baking soda can be used together to whiten teeth and make them brighter. Instead of mixing baking soda with water, make a thick paste with peroxide. This will double the effect when whitening and brightening teeth, and if used every other day, it will safely make teeth whiter and breath fresher.

These natural and home-made remedies will help your teeth look whiter and brighter. Though natural methods may take a bit longer to whiten your teeth, teeth whitening by using natural treatments will also prevent exposure to harsh chemicals that can severely harm teeth. They also have the added benefit of saving money as they can be prepared with simple ingredients found around the house.

Home Remedies For Teeth Whitening With Baking Soda

How to whiten teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Soruce: jamaicaobserver.com

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